This blog post comes from information received from the University of Utah Career Services Department, with adaptation of the content in regards to investment banking.
"There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it."
Dale Carnegie (1888 - 1955) American Educator
How Etiquette Benefits You
As your career progresses, you develop skills that are respected and expected - these skills are called professional etiquette! Professional etiquette builds leadership, quality, business, and careers. It refines skills needed for exceptional service. Whether you are a seasoned executive or just starting out, professional etiquette will help you. Without etiquette, you limit your potential, risk your image, and jeopardize relationships that are fundamental to business success.
One line takeaway: Don't give people a reason to not like you, not help you, or not do business with you.
Etiquette Pays Off
Result oriented professionals (ie. Investment Bankers) have found that professional etiquette influences their success because it:
- Differentiates them in a competitive market place
- Enables them to be confident in a variety of settings with a variety of people from all walks of life (ie. so if you are doing a biotech deal with a management team of PhDs or a buyout of a cardboard company in Alabama, you can work and get along with people from all backgrounds.)
- Modifies distracting behaviors and develops admired conduct
- People will want to be around you and work with you - banking is all about getting deals done. Deals get done many times because of the people involved.
Your Image is Important
Never before has one's personal presentation, presence, or "image" been so critically linked to success - Success is reported to have 60% to do with your image.
- Go to the gym, exercise, and stay on a healthy diet. There is nothing you can do that will compensate for your health and fitness.
- Purchase clothing in light weight fabrics that work for three seasons, such as blends of polyester, cotton, rayon, and wool. This will save you money and will get you through each season.
- My dad always taught me to "Dress like your boss". It is crucial for young professionals to observe the office dress code. If it is business casual, try to be on the conservative end of business casual. For example, business casual is dress pants and a nice button shirt with a collar. If your boss never wears a lime green or bright red shirt, as I have unfortunately seen people my age do before, don't wear those colors. If your boss wears blue, white, and stripped shirts - do the same. Save the wild colors for the clubs and the Bahamas. When you are the boss, you can set the standard and the dress code.

Business Etiquette Tests
Additional Business Etiquette Links
i really like your listing of recruiters and investment banking companies, do you have a such list of companies for hedge fund or company focused on sales and trading?
Most of the investment banks listed have trading desks. I would go to their websites and look under the career section to find out more.
I do not have a hedge fund list, although I know they are out there. Keep searching the web and you'll find something.
ok thanks David!
If you have any link or list you can send, please feel free to pass it around....i will be more than happy.
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