During my internship this summer, the full-time analysts explained to us that using the mouse makes work less efficient and ultimately slower. We were challenged to use only our keyboards and to never use the mouse. Thankfully I was prepared because I had been practicing keyboard shortcuts for some time prior to the internship. I extend that same challenge to you; never use the mouse when you can use Hot Keys. You'll never regret it.
I've taken a list of Excel 2003 Hot Keys from DealMaven and have posted them below. Most banks haven't upgraded to Microsoft Office 2007 so focus on learning these.
Excel Shortcut Keys | ||||
Command Name | Keystroke | Category | Priority | Comments |
File New | ( Ctrl n ) / Alt fn | Files | 5 | |
File Open | ( Ctrl o ) / Alt fo / Ctrl F12 | Files | 5 | |
File Close | Alt fc | Files | 5 | |
File Save | ( Ctrl s ) / Alt fs | Files | 5 | |
File Save As | F12 / Alt fa | Files | 5 | |
File Print | ( Ctrl p ) / Alt fp | Printing | 5 | |
File Set Print Area | Alt fts | Printing | 5 | |
Insert Page Break | Alt ib | Printing | 5 | |
File Clear Print Area | Alt ftc | Printing | 5 | |
File Page Setup | Alt fu | Printing | 5 | |
File Print Preview | Alt fv | Printing | 5 | Use Esc to exit print preview mode |
Edit Undo | ( Ctrl z ) / Alt eu | Commands | 5 | |
Edit Redo (Reverse Undo) | ( Ctrl y ) / Alt er | Commands | 5 | |
Repeat Last Command | F4 / ( Ctrl y ) / Alt Enter | Commands | 5 | Use F4 while outside Formula Bar |
Enter/Exit Cell Formula Bar | F2 | Formulas | 5 | You can use Esc to exit Formula Bar as well |
Absolute/Relative Reference | F4 | Formulas | 5 | Use F4 while in Formula Bar |
Sum Formula | Alt = | Formulas | 5 | |
Insert Function (Function Wizard) | Shift F3 | Formulas | 5 | |
Insert Defined Name in Formula | F3 | Formulas | 2 | |
Insert Function Arguments | Ctrl Shift A | Formulas | 1 | |
New Line in Cell Entry | Alt Enter | Formulas | 3 | Use while in Formula Bar |
Delete Remainder of Entry | ( Ctrl Delete ) | Formulas | 3 | Use while in Formula Bar |
Finish Entry | Enter | Formulas | 5 | Moves selection depending on Excel user preferences (Shift Enter moves selection in opposite direction |
Finish Entry and Move Right | Tab | Formulas | 5 | |
Finish Entry and Move Left | Shift Tab | Formulas | 5 | |
Fill Selection With Entry | Ctrl Enter | Formulas | 3 | |
Calculate Formulas | F9 | Formulas | 4 | |
Move Up | Up Arrow | Navigation | 5 | |
Move Down | Down Arrow | Navigation | 5 | |
Move Left | Left Arrow | Navigation | 5 | |
Move Right | Right Arrow | Navigation | 5 | |
Quick Move Up | Ctrl Up Arrow | Navigation | 5 | |
Quick Move Down | Ctrl Down Arrow | Navigation | 5 | |
Quick Move Left | Ctrl Left Arrow | Navigation | 5 | |
Quick Move Right | Ctrl Right Arrow | Navigation | 5 | |
Move To Column A | Home | Navigation | 3 | |
Move To Last Used Column | End, Enter | Navigation | 3 | |
Move To Cell A1 | ( Ctrl Home ) | Navigation | 3 | |
Move To Bottom Right Cell | ( Ctrl End ) | Navigation | 3 | |
Page Up | Page Up | Navigation | 5 | |
Page Down | Page Down | Navigation | 5 | |
Page Left | Alt Page Up | Navigation | 3 | |
Page Right | Alt Page Down | Navigation | 3 | |
Next Worksheet | ( Ctrl Page Down ) | Navigation | 5 | |
Previous Worksheet | ( Ctrl Page Up ) | Navigation | 5 | |
Next Workbook | Ctrl Tab / Ctrl F6 | Navigation | 5 | |
Previous Workbook | Ctrl Shift Tab / Ctrl Shift F6 | Navigation | 5 | |
Go To... | F5 / ( Ctrl g ) / Alt eg | Navigation | 5 | |
Highlight Up | Shift Up Arrow | Selecting | 5 | |
Highlight Down | Shift Down Arrow | Selecting | 5 | |
Highlight Left | Shift Left Arrow | Selecting | 5 | |
Highlight Right | Shift Right Arrow | Selecting | 5 | |
Quick Highlight Up | Ctrl Shift Up Arrow | Selecting | 5 | |
Quick Highlight Down | Ctrl Shift Down Arrow | Selecting | 5 | |
Quick Highlight Left | Ctrl Shift Left Arrow | Selecting | 5 | |
Quick Highlight Right | Ctrl Shift Right Arrow | Selecting | 5 | |
Select To Column A | Shift Home | Selecting | 1 | |
Select To Last Used Column | End, Shift Enter | Selecting | 1 | |
Select To Cell A1 | ( Ctrl Shift Home ) | Selecting | 1 | |
Select To Bottom Right Cell | ( Ctrl Shift End ) / ( End, Shift Home ) | Selecting | 1 | |
Extend Selection Page Up | Shift Page Up | Selecting | 1 | |
Extend Selection Page Down | Shift Page Down | Selecting | 1 | |
Extend Selection Page Left | Shift Alt Page Up | Selecting | 1 | |
Extend Selection Page Right | Shift Alt Page Down | Selecting | 1 | |
Select Row | Shift Spacebar | Selecting | 5 | |
Select Column | Ctrl Spacebar | Selecting | 5 | |
Select Region Around Active Cell | ( Ctrl Shift * ) | Selecting | 1 | |
Select All (Entire Worksheet) | ( Ctrl a ) / Ctrl Shift Spacebar | Selecting | 3 | |
Set/Clear Selection Anchor | F8 | Selecting | 3 | |
Only Select Active Cell | Shift Backspace | Selecting | 1 | |
Move Down Within Selection | Enter | Navigation | 3 | |
Move Up Within Selection | Shift Enter | Navigation | 3 | |
Move Left Within Selection | Tab | Navigation | 3 | |
Move Right Within Selection | Shift Tab | Navigation | 3 | |
Move Clockwise Within Selection | ( Ctrl . ) | Navigation | 1 | |
Next Region Within Selection | Ctrl Alt Right Arrow | Navigation | 1 | |
Previous Region Within Selection | Ctrl Alt Left Arrow | Navigation | 1 | |
Delete Selection | Alt ed | Clear/Delete | 5 | |
Clear Everything Within Selection | Alt eaa | Clear/Delete | 5 | |
Cut | ( Ctrl x ) / Alt et | Cut/Copy/Move/Paste/Insert | 5 | |
Copy | ( Ctrl c ) / Alt ec | Cut/Copy/Move/Paste/Insert | 5 | |
Paste | ( Ctrl v ) / Alt ep | Cut/Copy/Move/Paste/Insert | 5 | |
Paste Special - Formulas | Alt esf Enter | Copy/Paste | 5 | Copies formulas and nothing else |
Paste Special - Formats | Alt est Enter | Copy/Paste | 5 | Copies formats and nothing else |
Paste Special - Values | Alt esv Enter | Copy/Paste | 5 | Copies values and nothing else |
Copy Right (Excel) | ( Ctrl r ) | Copy/Paste | 5 | |
Copy Down (Excel) | ( Ctrl d ) | Copy/Paste | 5 | |
Copy Value From Cell Above | ( Ctrl Shift " ) | Copy/Paste | 3 | |
Copy Formula From Cell Above | ( Ctrl ' ) | Copy/Paste | 3 | |
Insert (Copied) Cells | Alt ie | Cut/Copy/Move/Paste/Insert | 5 | |
Insert Row | Alt ir | Insert New | 5 | |
Insert Column | Alt ic | Insert New | 5 | |
Copy/Move Sheet | Alt em | Cut/Copy/Move/Paste/Insert | 3 | |
Insert Worksheet | Alt iw / Shift F11 | Insert New | 3 | |
Insert Chart Sheet | F11 | Insert New | 1 | |
Edit Delete Sheet | Alt el | Clear/Delete | 3 | |
Highlight Direct Cell Precedents | ( Ctrl [ ) | Auditing | 3 | |
Highlight Direct Cell Dependents | ( Ctrl ] ) | Auditing | 3 | |
Highlight Indirect Cell Precedents | ( Ctrl { ) | Auditing | 3 | |
Highlight Indirect Cell Dependents | ( Ctrl } ) | Auditing | 3 | |
Show Precedent Arrows | Alt tut | Auditing | 3 | Refers to direct precedents |
Show Dependent Arrows | Alt tud | Auditing | 3 | Refers to direct dependents |
Display Cell Formulas (Toggle) | ( Ctrl ` ) | Auditing | 3 | |
Find | ( Ctrl f ) / Alt ef / Shift F5 | Auditing | 4 | |
Replace | ( Ctrl h ) / Alt ee | Auditing | 4 | |
Edit Links | Alt ek | Auditing | 3 | |
Window Freeze/Unfreeze | Alt wf | View | 5 | |
Window Split | Alt ws | View | 5 | |
Split Window Toggle | F6 | View | 3 | |
View Zoom | Alt vz | View | 4 | |
View Page Breaks | Alt vp | View | 3 | |
View Normal | Alt vn | View | 3 | |
Insert Name (Define) | Alt ind / Ctrl F3 | Other | 5 | |
Insert Comment | Alt im / Shift F2 | Other | 3 | Use Shift F2 to edit comments as well |
Edit Clear Comments | Alt eam | Other | 3 | |
Insert Hyperlink | ( Ctrl k ) / Alt ii | Other | 2 | |
Insert Current Date | ( Ctrl ; ) | Other | 3 | |
Insert Current Time | ( Ctrl Shift : ) | Other | 3 | |
Bold | ( Ctrl b ) | Formatting - Font | 5 | |
Italics | ( Ctrl i ) | Formatting - Font | 5 | |
Underline | ( Ctrl u ) | Formatting - Font | 5 | |
Strikethrough | ( Ctrl 5 ) | Formatting - Font | 1 | |
Border Outline | ( Ctrl Shift & ) | Formatting - Borders | 3 | |
Remove Borders | ( Ctrl Shift _ ) | Formatting - Borders | 3 | |
Cell Formatting Dialog Box | ( Ctrl 1 ) / Alt oe | Formatting | 5 | |
Edit Clear Formats | Alt eaf | Formatting | 3 | |
Column Autofit | Alt oca | Formatting - Rows/Columns | 5 | |
Row Autofit | Alt ora | Formatting - Rows/Columns | 2 | |
Column Width | Alt ocw | Formatting - Rows/Columns | 4 | |
Row Height | Alt ort | Formatting - Rows/Columns | 4 | |
Column Standard Width | Alt ocs | Formatting - Rows/Columns | 1 | |
Group Rows/Columns | ( Alt Shift Right Arrow ) | Hiding | 3 | |
Ungroup Rows/Columns | ( Alt Shift Left Arrow ) | Hiding | 3 | |
Hide Rows | ( Ctrl 9 ) | Hiding | 3 | |
Hide Columns | ( Ctrl 0 ) | Hiding | 3 | |
Unhide Rows | ( Ctrl Shift 9 ) | Hiding | 3 | |
Unhide Columns | ( Ctrl Shift 0 ) | Hiding | 3 | |
Restore Window Size | Ctrl F5 | Windows | 3 | |
Minimize Window | Ctrl F9 | Windows | 3 | |
Maximize Window | Ctrl F10 | Windows | 3 | |
Close Window | Ctrl F4 / ( Ctrl w ) | Windows | 4 | |
Next Application | Alt Tab | Windows | 5 | |
Previous Application | Alt Shift Tab | Windows | 5 | |
Close Application | Alt F4 | Windows | 4 | |
Windows Start Menu | Ctrl Esc | Windows | 5 | |
Spelling Check | F7 | Other | 3 | |
Tools Options | Alt to | Other | 4 | |
Activate/Deactivate Menu Bar | F10 / Alt | Other | 5 | Use arrows or menu accelerators to move through menu options |
Show Right Click Menu | Shift F10 | Other | 4 | |
Next Toolbar | Ctrl Tab | Other | 3 | |
Previous Toolbar | Shift F10 | Other | 3 | |
Show/Hide Standard Toolbar | Ctrl 7 | Other | 1 | |
Run Macro | Alt F8 | Other | 3 | |
Visual Basic Editor (Toggle w/ Excel) | Alt F11 | Other | 1 | |
Help | F1 | Other | 5 | |
Help (Context Sensitive) | Shift F1 | Other | 3 | |